Corporate Finance

Evaluating M&A from a Financial Point of View - Specialist Shorts

Duration: 1 hour

An online course.

Financial Management Bundle

Duration: 4 hours

A bundle of 2 online courses to better understanding the Financial Management.

How to Analyse a Company - Coffee Break

Duration: 20 minutes

An online course designed to let you learn how to analyse a company in just 20 minutes with a series of 6 steps that will give you a quick and easy view of how a company’s doing.


EFFAS ESG Essentials®

Duration: 20 hours + examination

An EFFAS accreditated training towards certification.


Information Security to the Board

Duration: 3 hours

This online programme is divided in five chapters and offers to members of the Board a wide view on how to deal with Information Security policies, cyber risk assessment and GDPR issues.