Nord Pool Certified Compliance Course

Online e-learning course and live Q&A session that illustrates how the European physical power market is regulated. Powered by Nord Pool.

E-learning course and live Q&A session, 28 November 2024
From 9:00 to 10:00 CET


The course has been designed to provide the participants with a comprehensive understanding of how the European physical power market is regulated and to cover the many compliance features Nord Pool offers, including the UMM platform for publication of inside information and our system reporting orders and transactions to ACER.

Who should attend

This compliance course is ideal for anyone who wishes to understand how the European physical power market is regulated:

• Traders
• Managers
• Compliance officers and staff
• System providers (e.g. trade support systems or developing algorithmic trading solutions)
• Transmission System Operators
• National Regulatory Authorities
• Power exchanges using Nord Pool as a service and system provider
• Anybody who wants to understand the finer details of the common European power market


The training course will be managed by the highly experienced Nord Pool Market Surveillance team.


Let our dedicated Market Surveillance experts share their decades-worth of experience on how to comply with the most recent laws and regulations governing the European physical power market. 

The Nord Pool Certified Compliance Course consists of two parts:

1. Online material you cover in your own time

2. Live Q&A session with the Nord Pool Market Surveillance team live online. Take advantage of an exclusive Q&A session for your organization! 

The course and the Live Q&A will be in English.

Digital diploma

There are test questions throughout the online material. Once you have passed the test (by answering at least 90 % correctly), you will be awarded the Nord Pool Certified Compliance Course Digital Diploma that you can post online. You can also print out your diploma in pdf format for the office wall!

The fee includes:

• Live Q&A session
• Copies of all presentations you will see online
• Full access to the extensive online material and test questions
• Nord Pool Certified Compliance Course Digital Diploma. 

We expect all participants to pass the test within a week of the live Q&A session. We will therefore issue the diploma a week after the live Q&A session.

Powered by Nord Pool